Our apps are not in the business of doing anything with your data. We believe such information is yours and yours alone. We do not store or transmit your personal details, nor do we include any advertising or analytics software that talks to third parties, even in our free apps.
seense applications on iOS and OS X do not collect any individual information.
Most of seense applications connect from time to time to our own private Piwik/Matomo server just to know, basically, how many apps are in use. No individual/personal information are collected during this process.
This is strictly limited to your device’s anonymized IP address (last digits being automatically removed), the version of the app you are using, the type of device the app is running on (e.g. iPhone or Mac), the version of the OS and your primary language setting. That’s pretty much the same kind of thing we’d get if you just visited our website with your browser.
One exception, Menubar Stats connect to our servers in order to run, on the fly, a script to get back your full public IP to be displayed in Menubar Stats, this is part of the Menubar Stats feature. During this process no personal information are stored, the IP is not stored on our server.
Our website does not use cookies, what for anyway?
This information is occasionally used in an aggregated fashion to see what kind of devices people are running our apps on. This helps us decide such things as how far back to support various operating systems, which languages we might want to add in the future, and so on.
Most of the time, we forget to look at it anyway.
seense use 1 provider for the servers. NetworkSolutions and Linode being US based.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to get in touch.
If you want to know more about Piwik/Matomo servers https://matomo.org